Personal Trainer | Yoga Teacher | Pilates Instructor
In life you get just about as many chances as you’re willing to take.
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Yoga increases self-confidence, self-love and your ability to be present.
I love to share my life on social media, because I travelled a lot and I have been living in different countries, Instagram for me is a great way to keep connections with all my friends around the world.
I share about my life, my job and my passions, and I try to inspire others to live a healthy and respectful lifestyle. My aim is to transmit positivity, because you know, it’s all about energies.
Competenza, passione, dedizione!
Tanti istruttori, tanti insegnanti di yoga, uno vale l’altro? Assolutamente no. Giada oltre ad essere una garanzia di competenze, esperienza e professionalità, fa sicuramente la differenza offrendo percorsi unici ed esperienze da sogno come solo lei e la sua meravigliosa creatività sanno fare.
A blissful experience
“Doing Yoga with Giada is truly a blissful experience. She supports her students physically as well as spiritually with her profound anatomical knowledge, much care and wisdom. Enthusiastic about her classes’ effect on me I asked her where she studied Yoga. Her answer didn’t surprise me after all: in India!
Trust that you’re in good hands with Giada caring about aligning your body and your soul.
È sempre un bel piacere!”
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We are the painting, the painters, the painted, and the paint!
Infinite creators , infinite intelligent beings, infinite source of love.
We have the capacity to embody all that which we call into our lives. We become this energy, and open possibility for this energy to come play into our reality.